About William Fagus
The publicity-shy William Fagus lives in a remote location close to the sea. He attended a state school in a Midlands industrial town where the teachers still threw blackboard rubbers and chalk, and his music teacher hit him on the top of the head with a drumstick for having a tin ear. Armed with three middling GCSEs, William left school at 16 to ‘earn his keep’ and did mind-numbing manual work.

At forty, William went to university in a Midlands industrial town, where he gained a number of Arts degrees and was subsequently unemployed. Four years spent in mind-numbing office work then convinced William Fagus to try to be a writer.
William admires the work of Proulx, Chandler, Steinbeck, Kingsolver, R.L. Stevenson and B.B. King. The book that has most influenced his writing is Close Range, by Annie Proulx.
A more detailed biography of William Fagus, of uncertain origin and dubious veracity, features in this website.
William Fagus is not a robot.